Jan Koetsier International Biennial Brass Competition

Jan Koetsier International Brass Competition

The foundation of the same name, founded by Jan Koetsier in 1993 and at the Munich University of Music and Performing Arts since 1999, serves to support brass students in the subjects trumpet, horn, trombone and tuba and to provide care of brass chamber music, whose international reputation is to be promoted in a targeted manner. An important element of this support is the establishment of the International Jan Koetsier Competition for Brass Chamber Music, which was held for the first time in 1999 under the chairmanship of Philip Jones at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. The competition takes place every two years.

Venue: University of Music and Theater Munich

Competition Dates : October 29th and 30th, 2022.

brass quintet ( 2 trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba)
horn quartet
trombone quartet and
tuba quartet

Registration deadline: June 26, 2022

Jan Koetsier Web Page