Rose City Brass Quintet

United States / Oregon

Rose City Brass Quintet website

Logan Thane Brown, trumpet
Joseph Klause, trumpet
Daniel Partridge, horn
Lars Campbell, trombone
JáTtik Clark, tuba

  • 2021 – Oskar Bohme Trumpet Sextet (Live EP Recording)
  • 2022 – DisQuiet
Group Biography

The Rose City Brass Quintet (RCBQ) is the Pacific Northwest’s premier, modern brass quintet, offering vibrantly virtuosic performances while pioneering expansive programming and business models that revitalize the concert music landscape. The group’s abundance of talent combined with a meticulous and exacting rehearsal style results in clear, cohesive, and powerful playing that’s both exhilarating and satisfying. Dedicated scholars and educators as well as performers, RCBQ members passionately revive and recontextualize musical gems within the historical brass quintet repertoire. The group balances this approach by regularly commissioning new music from an inclusive cross-section of leading composers to invigorate, diversify, and modernize the medium. Committed to sharing this new body of work, RCBQ created its own publishing company, which in addition to greater accessibility, provides future generations with an entrepreneurial example for how to build new infrastructure that strengthens our evolving musical ecosystem.

– from the RCBQ website