A space for advocates and fans of the brass ensemble medium. It’s a wiki style database of brass ensembles (quintets and larger), original compositions, composers, and recordings.
This site will evolve as data is added and migrated from the original discography on the Boulder Brass website. Soon, we hope to welcome guest users to contribute content to the site. Your patience is appreciated.
desktop: use the Table of Contents located on the lower left menu
mobile device: click on the menu icon in the upper righthand corner
works with 10 or more recordings
The menu items on the left (below the user request form) are links to the discographies of each work listed. The tables on those pages are searchable and sortable. The works are listed in descending order of the number of complete professional recordings in this discography.
new recordings in the discography (updated 2025.02.10)
click on image for information on the recording